Is It Safe To Let Elderly Drive?

In the United States, people are starting to live longer. This is partially due to the lifestyle changes that have been trending across the country. Within the next 20 years, the number of retirees will increase, and the number of retirement communities will grow at an exponential rate. Older adults are trying to maintain the same quality of life that they experienced when they were younger. They still want to do some of the same things as driving. More people over the age of 60 are involved in vehicle accidents than ever before. Many people are at risk when an older adult is behind the wheel. Changes In Older Adults That May Prevent Safe Driving As a person ages, many things change. One very important change that could drastically affect driving is eyesight. Older adults have vision problems that come with aging. The eyes will weaken, or the senior will have blurred vision that may be helped with glasses. When the vision starts to get noticeably worse the senior will usually lose the...